Our value creation approach
Our focus is on creating real, lasting value to our planet, business and stakeholders. That is why MSIG adopts a value creation business model inspired by an underlying ethos to build a resilient and sustainable society. At the core of it, everything we do aims to create communities where individuals can thrive, and efforts are taken to preserve and sustain the environment and society. To get there, charting a clear path forward is essential.
Rethinking goals to focus on business and community
The framework of Creating Shared Value forms the bedrock of our integrated sustainability strategy. It enables us to identify pressing social issues that our business can address. Climate change, resource depletion, cyber attacks and rising medical expenses in ageing societies are some of the most pressing societal issues we have identified in recent years that our business can help tackle. Our targets also keep in consideration our commitment to the Paris Agreement and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to push greater change forward.

Beyond being a constant, change is also unavoidable. From learning how to respond to new cyber security risks to designing products and services to respond to changing lifestyles, we are continuously evolving our business approach to stay relevant to consumers and communities.

We are harnessing the power of telematics technologies and big data to promote traffic safety. Beyond that, we are also embracing next-generation mobility and analysing the implications of evolving driving behaviours that might come with the dawn of autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars.

We continue to put groundwork in place for prompt response in the event of large-scale disasters. Efforts are also focused on bolstering our support to revitalise communities.

We are creating products and services that enable our customers to live longer and healthier lives. Our efforts extend into the development of advanced medication and regenerative treatment.

We focus on research and development of natural catastrophe risk management. Our findings help us better understand climate risks at hand. This has enabled us to underwrite the necessary and appropriate products to protect businesses against weather-related risks resulting from climate change.

We are in this for the long-term. Which is why we are committed to the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems because they lay the foundation for the survival and progress of humanity.

No one should be left behind. This belief is why we work towards improving the accessibility of our everyday insurance and financial services for everyone.

Making sustainability part of our culture
Doing good and doing right starts from within. That is why our parent company, MS&AD Insurance Group, holds a sustainability contest every year for all Group companies where employees are mobilised and taught the importance of pursuing shared development goals and creating shared value.
This ongoing endeavour encourages and celebrates our employees incorporating sustainability driven approaches into day-to-day operations.